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Sydney Chapman

Athletic Therapist, CAT(C), BAET

Sydney graduated from Camosun college with a Bachelor of Athletic and Exercise Therapy. Her education included a double major in Athletic Therapy and Exercise Physiology. She continues to pursue further education and takes annual CEU courses in her field including; concussion care, joint mobility, and manual massage techniques.  

Sydney has worked with high level athletes including; Equestrian Olympians, Women’s Rugby 7’s and National Field Hockey teams. Her approach is to address each injury with individual care to ensure optimal return to sport, recreational exercise, or daily activity.

Sydney's assessment involves a detailed biomechanical analysis with movement screening specific to the injury. Her rehabilitation techniques include manual therapy, modalities, and exercise prescription.  

Prior to completing her degree, Sydney competed internationally as a show jumping athlete.  Her career highlights included representing BC at the Canadian Equestrian Team finals in Toronto, competing on the Canadian young rider team at the NAYR Championships in Colorado, and winning a Grand Prix at Thunderbird Show Park in Langley.

She is excited to combine her competitive background with her desire to help people recover from injuries through Athletic Therapy. When Sydney is not working in a clinical setting, she can be found working with horses. 

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